America and indeed the whole world watched with rapt interest as the 46th president of the United States of America Joe R Biden Jr, was sworn in today, American time. The phrase that resonated and most probably be identified with this Covid 19 era inauguration is No time in the history of this great nation …
Yes, unless one goes searching deep in the annals of American history, it is obvious that no time in the history of that nation has a presidential swearing in ceremony been surrounded with so much tension and overwhelmed with so much emotion.
This is a ceremony that had come in the wake of the most outrageous riot America has ever experienced. A riot that many described as an insurrection while some simply called it a terrorist action and should be treated with any one directly or remotely involved in its organization and perpetuation as so. Yes, the truth of the solemn atmosphere that comes with this four years occurrence in the political sphere of this country that prides itself as the defender of the earth’s democracy can not not be understated, however, that of the 20th of January had come with its peculiar nuances.
First is that if some one comes from outer space and sees every one with half their faces covered, such a one will be hard put understanding what was going on. That this occurrence was in the heat us a pandemic that had claimed the lives of more than Four hundred Thousand America, is worthy of record.
That in this particular ceremony, there were no cheering crowd made it look more like a sad occasion than a day of fan fair and celebration in the land of the brave and the free.
Then,another fact that there was so much security and military presence all over the location of the ceremony made this look more like a military exercise than a presidential inauguration.
However, America being what it is, the occasion was observed, no matter the dark clouds. Observing that day, one can not remove the presence of heavy emotions. One can see a country that has been seriously wounded as they saw he whom they have given the ultimate power to defend them has turned round to stab the land deeply. The president however, did not let that sad occurrence lead him down the path of sorrow or tactless vindictiveness. Instead he laid it heavy as he appealed to his fellow Americans not to look into the darkness that surround them, speaking about the civil war and the times of the likes of Dr Marthin Luther king. He spoke glowingly of unity and peace. We have learnt again that democracy is precious, that democracy is fragile and in this hour my friends, democracy has prevailed. God bless America and God bless our troops, he ended.
Noticeable on that near poignant ceremony is the ex first ladies striving to out dress each other. Very overt on that day was Michel Oboma with her flowing suit. But one could not take the day from Kamala Harris, who appeared in a distinct purple suit, as an identity symbol to the first African woman in the early Seventies who dared to asper to the office of the presidency of the USA>
Then entered the scene, Lady Gaga to render the National anthem and boy oh boy, she did not disappoint nobody. He attire was simply gaga on a most serious day like that. Some musicians including Jennifer Lopez played on the stage, however, the one that stole the day is Twenty year old Amanda Gorman who rendered a most enchanting and deeply moving poem titled The Hills we climb.
Now, present in this ceremony were past presidents of America who could make it, including Gorge Bush jr, who was in most gregarious and playful mood, Bill Clinton and of course the closest ally of Mr Biden and Mrs Harris, Barrack Oboma.
Absent was above 90 year Jimmy Carter who could not be there for health issues and sadly Donald trump the ousted president, who refused to attend as he remained spiteful that the election which he lost was rigged and the presidency stolen from him.
Joe Biden has hit the ground running as he has started signing executive orders on his very first day in the oval office.