• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Nigeria; Revolution Now


Mar 20, 2023
Nigeria; Revolution NowNigeria; Revolution Now

As the sham in the guise of an election progresses in Nigeria, it is becoming glaringly obvious that there are some people in that country whom the shame and embarassment they mete out to that land and her citizens in the eyes of the greater world don’t mean no diddle doo. In fact, observations have revealed that they do not only enjoy the pain they inflict to the nation, they celebrate it. Now, this is while they have ferreted their own kids and family out of Nigeria to safer climes, they sit back to destroy the nation for those who love it and do not desire to leave her.

These monsters, when ever there is an election, they drag out the old rusted religious trumpet, dust it up and starts playing as loudly as they can. They know very well that like the silent dog whistle, there are out there some lewd and crass fellows whom they have so impoverished their minds and messed up their bodies with every kind of imaginable hard substance who whom this trumpet sound rouse from their drug induced slumber and galvanize into unorganized, uncordinated but extremely irresponsible wantom acts.

When this particular sound don’t seem to be producing the expected or required result as is the case in the present shambolism that is going on in the much vaunted giant of Africa, these unpatroitic characters that hate the nation with a venom will fetch the acrid and acidic horn of ethnicity. This one never fails to yeild results. That the outcome not only cost lives of Nigerians, both innocent and guilty, but tetheres the nation in the brinks of division and even war don’t mean nothing to these witches and wizards who thier demons do not care for any other kind of worship except that sacrice of blood. Therefore one blast of this blood soaked demon horn, and all its minions will charged into the arena of the dance of rampage of destruction, looting, arson and killings. Suddenly the world will see Nigerian cities like Lagos obviously under demonic possession, chating in possessed frenzy the bloody xenopobic songs. Goaded on by the manipulations of their sadistic and cruel mind controlling masters who do not care a hoot about them or for Nigeria but are insanely driven by their uncontrollable lust for power and what the Apostle Paul described as love for filthy lucre, which easily translated is greed, the message that is being drummed into whatever controls these deranged yet mindless and soulless zombies is Kill or be killed.

One thing about these sick politician in Nigeria is that they are sadly unaware that the wind of change has blown. They are still under the deceptive illusion that things are still the way they used to be. They think that we are still at that Shehu Shagari’s inane political era when Segun Okewo of the National Association of Nigerian students was granted a short stint by the magnamity of the powers that be as of that time. And when they got tired of his infantile presence, they flicked their power fingers and simply got rid of him. Like there was anything he did that can be compared to the puerile and crass dramas of the likes of Dino Melaye in the Senate of Nigeria of today.

No, Sir. The change, real change is here now. The revolution is now. It has started.

One thing common with these ones fighting tooth and nail to retain an antique, ricketty and dangerously corrupt statusquo is that they are all old. Most of them above seventy. Almost all of them no longer sound in health. You will see them unabashedly sleeping during sessions in the houses of parliament. That is when they bother to attend at all. The stories of perversion and lewd pudity usually associated with the styles of these old shameless he goats would shame even the devil. Then their wastefulness and extreme and wantom extravagance can not easilly be quantified. They believed in their make belief world that they are the owners of Nigeria. No one can take it away from them. They raise their hands and let some one or two anxious fellows who have agreed to sell their souls to devil into their political coven. Then again they raise their hands and someone dies. They said to themselves that this situation is constant, it has come to stay. They did not know, in their fancy make belief world that the only law of nature that is constatnt is change.

They all did not envisage nor see Obi and his sunami of youth coming. Yes, sudenly this old brigade is being carelessly but gradually swept aside. The lethargy, yeah, apathetic real giants of change, the youth, the vanguard has stirred its mighty head and roused itself from its slumber. Nigeria, suddenly, in the wake of this current youth uprising is seeing a keke na pep rider, with little or no means, defeating and disgracing a supposed established politician and being hailed by the people. Nigeria in the heat of the on going state house elections have seen young people as young as Twenty Six (26) years winning elections into the parliaments. Nigerians woke up today to hear for the first time of a women winning a governorship election in no less a region than the moslem northern region of Nigeria.

Cases of political upsets are rife and shocking entrances into the rough and tumble that is the political arena of Nigeria from the other end of the spectrum is suddenly common place. The revolution is now. Like I said, it has started.

I saw a video clip of some young ones in Abuja calling for a mass gathering in front of all the INEC offices nation wide. The tone of their voices and the expression on their faces are indication that they are not ready to brook any nonesense. They believe and they know it that it is their time. For them, it is down with the old order and up with the New Gen. The Youth of Nigeria, yeah, the Youth of Africa have risen. The untethered behemoth has aroused from its siesta. They have the numbers, they have the computer related knowledge necessary for the progress of this era and generation, now they have the will and the ambition. Added to this is that they have a champion, in Obi. The Revolution has started. The revolution is now!!!!

Anyone with wisdom who does not belong to this ideology of change should be seriously adviced to step out of the way of this marching horde of an army. They have shown that they do not take prisoners. They have no collective religion and no collective ethnic identity.

They are the change, they are the Now Revolution.

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