Pastor Mike Chuks Nwanegbo

Most people feel offended in life but never imagine that they might have really caused the offence by their actions which they simply do not realise or accept. Some realise but due to pride refuse to apologise. A good study of Luke 17 vs 1- 4 tells us that we must forgive if the offender repents or apologises. What if the offender continues to offend and refuses to repent or apologise? Verse 4 has the answer. Let God guide you to interpret this verse. The safest is to keep away from the persistent offender, forgive and pray for such but guard your soul from such a person.
As long as the so claimed offended does not see his own offence, he will never apologise and will remain offended. This is double jeopardy. As long as you remain offended and refuse to look into the fact that you could be the offender, you remain in perpetual prison and may never be free.
Solution is simply to look inwards and apologise or make peace for your own good even if you believe you are the offended. Forgiving a person does not mean you must dine with the person but you must not hold anything against the person. I pray this heals your heart.
Remain blessed.