• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025



Dec 27, 2020
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Evan Vucci/AP/Shutterstock (10434333bm) Donald Trump, Sauli Niinisto. President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto in the Oval Office of the White House, in Washington Trump, Washington, USA - 02 Oct 2019

The United States of America is a country that has perfected and existed on hype. No matter what anyone can imagine about that country, no mater how weird or untoward, it is most probably true. Riding on the waves of such socio cultural imbalances they have contributed and participate in the creation of the most formidable mind managing and indoctrination tool that ever existed in the progress of man in this planet earth; The InterNet.

With this tool, they practically control the computer language, the entertainment industry, world finances, global military activities and arms race, space explorations and any other of human sociology that puts them in front of the human race.

However like the balloon, the simple process of expansions gets to a point where the material can no longer bear the pressure, and what then comes next is …BOOM!!. With such extremities therefore come one sure factor; controversies.

One can rightly say, that only a few in the history of this country that has occupied the highest office of that land has generated as much controversy as the present occupant of that office and the tenant of the highly revered White House; Donald Trump.

About four years back, America had an election in which Mr Donald Trump was elected on to the presidency of America. Talk about the warning that one has to be careful of what one asks for, for you may get it.

Now, some weeks back to this publication, another election was held in the same Land of the free and brave and literally all hell has been let loose upon that land that has operated under the mantra of In God we Trust. With what is going on, the entire Christian world wonders if this philosophy still holds in that land.

Donald Trump of the Republican party has contested against the Democrats flag bearer Joe Biden. No one can say with absolute certainty if this election is a done deal or if it is yet hanging on a thin line. While a fraction of the electorate of that land now insist that Trump is the worst thing that happen to the democracy and on a larger perspective the politics of that land. This particular reasonable fraction of Americans insist that Trump is a compulsive liar, a bigot, a rabid racist and a sadist who derives pleasure from the suffering of others especially as he has the habit of creating these hardship like the on going Covit 19 pandemic and its devastating effect on American lives and worse, the American psyche.

On the other side of the fence however, are a mammoth quite vocal group which consists mainly of a tense mixture of white red necks and Christian Evangelicals. These ones are absolutely fanatical about the Trump personality and his politics. They believe that he is the best thing that happened to America and her politics and that the present electoral shenanigans going on in the country is a calculated attempt to wrench a well deserved victory from a good man who has America and Christian values in his mind.

However, the whole world is sitting quiet and watching and wondering, If this Donald Trump is a hero or a villain? let the reader draw his own conclusions and say so.

Chris Dahi the writer lives in Belgium and therefore has neither horse no dog in the American race. He, also is an innocent bystander.

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