• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Uda Entrepreneurial and Skills Development Program Kicks-Off! First Set of Amuvi Youths Empowered!!

January 24, 2021 At at the instance of Amuvi Welfare Union, AWU and Amuvi Development Group, ADG, the framework for entrepreneurship, reorientation and skills development program for Amuvi youths was…

Is this Conspiracy theory, or is there some truth to it?

The Scope News is an open minded news media. We do not subscribe to unsubstantiated news or conspiracy theories. However, we owe it to our readers to respond one way…

Covit 19: Be your own doctor

All men are equal —?

I remember reading in Gorge Orwell’s Animal Farm that All animals are equal. This was later modified or upgraded by a particularly tyranical pig that All animals are equal, but…

Corona Virus; You are your own Doctor

The state of affairs. What a shame.

It does not give The Scope News any joy in presenting Africa in this demeaning light. It is like we are supporting Trump who called Africa a shit hole. However…


Once in a while while in the history of mankind, there appears in the scene some folks with these dual names who shake the earth in the sectors they future…

Adesina and the Government and Implicit taxes

Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank (AfDB), has condemned a situation where Nigerians do not enjoy basic infrastructure that should be provided by government despite paying taxes. Speaking…

Nigerian Ambassadors yet to be deployed as NIN enrollment of Foreign diplomats commences at Ministry of Foreign Affairs

If one could recall, its been about seven months since the ambassadors that are to represent Nigeria in certain countries are approved by the Nigerian national House of Parliament, but…

Racism is all around us. Not only in America. Scottish version

It is an obvious fact that if America likes let them have twenty elections in one year. If they like let them drive away twenty Trumps from their WHITE house.…