“Then I woke up. The sun was shinning high. I was feeling very weak. I tried to get down from where I was lying and I screamed. The pain from…
It is time for we the African Christian believer to take a breather and review our relation with the land of our birth. It is sad that the African Christian…
Dear friends and family, while we are in the euphoria and glee of the celebration of Christmas, let us even in the heat of the moment take a deep breath,…
I will tell you a story, nay, a joke. The village drunk after a night out in the local tavern, decided to take a short cut home, through the village…
“To look after him in his old age” the girl continued despite her single audience’s disgust. “And how old is this man?” the white woman asked. ‘Pa Osunde?, I don’t…
Reparation or Reconciliation? In 1999, the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission called for the West to pay $777 (~$1.29 quadrillion in 2022) trillion to Africa within five years.…
Vatican: Same-sex couples may receive informal blessings The Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Ignatius Kaigama, has revealled fresh facts regarding the alleged approval of marital blessings for same-sex couples across the…
A Sad turn of Event Coming from a royal family, I remember a period in my life when my fathers palce court was always overwhelmed by towns folks who needed…
Someone posted in the social media, The Scripture says, If you bow to me, l will give you the whole world. There was a wave of amen, amen, l claim…
I was trying to sell investment related ideas to some of my European friends who are interested in investing in Africa. They had listened to me patiently, then simply asked…