Africa Oh Africa
The land of sunshine and colour
The heart of warriors of valour
The land of strength and pride
The place of peaceful mind
Africa Oh Africa
A forest with hills and mountains
A wilderness of rivers and fountains
The source of quiet laughter
The soul of peaceful power
Africa Oh Africa
Home of heroes past and present
Realm of kings of crescent
We dance with the moon in the night
And sing in the sun and the light
Africa Oh Africa
We still bath in your glorious gaiety
And wonder at your peaceful beauty
Legions are your wonderful children
And so your forever kindred
Africa Oh Africa
The aliens stole your wealth
And your children took your health
Now you are a bogus captive
In the hands of foes and natives
Africa Oh Africa
Now we wish for your wake up call
Knowing that you are the first and all
Mama give us your spears and shields
That we may not run nor yield
Africa Oh Africa
Mother we seek your eternal knowledge
Your might and divine courage
To hold up our always raised fists
In your happy daily feasts
Africa oh Africa