• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025



Jan 12, 2021

After quite some research I wrote a book which the title is a question; Doth Money answer all things. A book that general so much agro amongst certain upper echelon Christian cycle that I was asked to shelve it. They said it bridged on heresy, because I had in that work questioned certain sources of income in the church and of course certain expenses. I had looked at certain wealth controlled mind set of the presbytery and the teachings and pulpit activities that are influenced by this thought process. The pastor strives to be the wealthiest one in the church, tithe money that is supposed to be to make such there is food in the store house of the Lord is used to build mega churches and schools buy airplanes for the GO of certain churches.

Meanwhile, the members have to rely on the miracles for their financial breakthroughs.  Some close to me have asked with fire in their eyes ‘Do you not believe in miracles?’ Of course I do. But concentrating on the topic on the table, being miracle in tandem with wealth, there is no place in the Bible that Jesus made anyone rich, instead He said that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter into Heaven. In fact He described it as the impossibility of a camel passing through the eye of a needle. In short, the Master never touched that commodity called money and obviously made his contact with it as limited as possible. The keeper of the purse was addressed by him as a devil and the Scripture called the man Judas a thief. My research revealed to me that the spirit of Materialism is not an angel, Jesus called it belzebub.     

John 3;16 Tells us That God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, and whoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.

One can see that in that Scripture which is the most popular verse in the Christian Bible, there was no promise of wealth and riches but eternal life, which would be in the presence of the God of Lights.

If you look at Forbes publication of the richest of the world, just about less than 10 percent of them are Christians. Our Father, The Almighty God is He who created all things and owns all things including the gold, the silver, the cattle on a thousand hills and infact the earth and the fullness thereof yet the unbelievers ride on horses while we walk on foot.

The countries of the world that are not so Christian are richer and more organized than the supposed Christian nation nations. Example being the Scandinavians in particular and the Europeans and the Western world at large.

The truth is that if the Christian really desires to possess the earth as the Lord God has promised us in Genesis, Chapter 2, then we really have to realign our Paradigm. The book of Ecclesiastes teaches that a man who does not work should not eat. A little bit of folding of hands and a little bit of sleep and poverty will creep up on you as a high   way man.

Yes miracles do exist, BUT THE Psalm 128 teaches us that Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.

For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands; happy shalt thou b   e, and it shall be well with thee.

One can therefore see from the above Scripture that to be blessed, with a miracle, one has to has to fear the Lord, walk with Him and have the labour of one’s hands.

To buttress the above is the edited version of the following posting

Olu Daramola, SAN, wrote

“Before I traveled to Israel I used to believe that the Jews phenomenal achievements in all areas of human endeavors was because they were the anointed of God but the thought vanished after spending three days there. I saw things for myself. First there is no milk and honey flowing in their land. It was a desert with acute shortage of rainfall and water. For Agric they depend on massive irrigation. The Jews are extremely hardworking, resourceful and innovative. They are determined to rise above the challenges in their environment.  The Jews are not Christians but Judaists. The main difference between Judaism and Christianity is the total rejection of Jesus as the messiah. They also do not believe a word in the New Testament.  In their Bible there’s no New Testament. Despite their abhorrence of Christianity and Jesus they were smart enough to explore the commercial opportunities that pilgrimage offers. Israel makes billions of dollars yearly by commercializing a belief or faith they do not share.

Jesus was not killed by the Roman rulers of Judea but by his fellow Jews who saw him as a threat to the Religious establishment. Over 2000 years after, they are yet to change their mind about him.

More than 90% of the Nobel laureates of this age are atheists.  Albert Einstein who was declared as the greatest scientist of the 20th Century was an atheist. He neither accepted Christianity nor Judaism.  

Look at the countries that are doing well in the world you will see that it has nothing to do with their religious beliefs or special favors from God. Their progress has more to do with the choices they have made. Look at Donald trump he does not read bible but he knows that to win election in America you must pretend to share the sentiments of the evangelical Christians.  That was precisely what he did. Japan was the first country in the world to achieve the feat of turning it’s name into a brand. Once you see made in Japan on any product you are assured of it’s excellent quality. Japanese people are neither Christians, Muslims nor Judaists. They achieved success because the are hardworking, resourceful, innovative and honest.  What of Singapore that leapt from the fringes of third world to the first world. I can go on and on.

In Nigeria despite being blessed with huge natural and human resources  we do not want to succeed by vigorously exploiting the resources.  We are dreamers  hoping to succeed without lifting our  fingers. We are miracles chasers who also cut corners. This explains why there is a huge market in Nigeria for diviners, sorcerers, prophets and Pentecostal pastors who promise prosperity without labor.

The Chinese are fast becoming our new masters in Africa. In 1960 Nigeria had a better prospect for success than China and Singapore.  In fact Western Region  in Nigeria had television before Australia.

Look at UAE . Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the most visited Tourist Cities in the world. This was inconceivable just 20 years ago. They are 100% Muslims. This is the same religion that is exporting terror in many Arab and African countries including our dear country Nigeria. No UAE citizen has been accused anywhere in the world of involvement in terrorism.  Their  cities are more modern  than Paris, New York and London .

Therefore , I  do not share the believe that the greatness of the Jews has anything to do with fulfilment of any prophecy.  On the contrary  it can only be attributed to their iron cast determination to succeed in the face of all odds. It is awkward to attribute Einstein’s success to any special blessing when the man never believed in God or offered any prayer throughout his lifetime. Material success has nothing to do with God . If it were so Nigerians should be the richest people on earth because our greatest export apart from crude oil is religion”

It really makes no sense if one does this kind of work and not make suggestions on how to create wealth for the Christian. Read therefore Chris Dahi’s Christian Enterprenuer. A detailed and Spirit filled strong work on how a Christian can do it without betraying the Faith.

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