That Nigerians embarked on a protest branded ENDTOBADGOVERNANCE which is directed against government policies that have created quite unbearable hardship in the land. Today is the seventh day of this protest which now seem to have run its course and slowly pettering out, with the only convivable achievement being lack luster unconvincing address by the president. An address which most of the main players in the protest have described as more of an insult that a plea. An address others described as dripping with the arrogance with which this government seem to have been identified with, even before its conception.
However, this piece is not about that address. That will be reserved for a later edition of the Scope News. Let us look at the protest right from its announcement. Our people say that an announced war will not consume even the cripple. This is because every one will take precautionary measures before the war commences. it is actually only a tree that one threatens and it still stands where it is. The major players in this present comic government, including the one vaunting himself as the one in charge in Nigeria funnily were habitual protesters in the past. so it is obvious that immediately this protest which had all the makings of an inside job was announced, precautional measures were immediately taken. Some covert, and other blatant and open. Some of the open ones being the hasty and quite untidy and shameless or shameful scamper of the over bloathed Augean stable that pose as the national legislative of the land. Then there was the show of power by the military in too many ways. There was also the follow uo show of power by some players in the government including the minister of the Federal Capital territory. Then, there appeared some characters who obviously were paid or under paid to stage a counter protest to the real protest. However, that rouse turned out to be a hilarious comic show, as some of them who were really hungry could not comprehend if they wre asked to counter an obvious necessary protest or to support it. A veritable Shakespearan Comedy of Errors. And so forth.
That the protest is froth with uncertaintities is to say the least.
First of all is that a certain part of tthe country which openly have no love lost for the government and would have had every reason to vehemently participate in a protest agains this very unpopular government opted out of it, left a massive dent in the likely punch of the program. This is the eastern region of the land which claim that all their attempts to redirect to country to the path of of progress, developement and production have been met with the not just residtance, but with overt antagonism, resulting in the death, incalceration and torture of her people. Therefore, this time, they decided to stand at the side line and watch other struggle and strive.
The second being that it is obviously a protest and not at least not yet a revolution. The needs of the protesters were not stipulated. There really no clear agenda. Some were asking one thing which others in another region were aking for something else, totally different from what the other is asking.
The result turned out as the many had predicted that the lunatics seemed to have taken over the asylum.
The protest seemed to have been more northern Nigeria based. A region that have over the past years had seemed to be apathetic to protests by Nigerians as the leaders of the land have always seem to come out from there. Despite the fact that the masses of this regon have always been the under privileged of Nigeria. Now, one could see them running around in an obvious frenvy, chanting slogans that obviously have nothing to do with hunger issue which one could say is the crux of the protest. Some were seen to ne cohorting and fraternising with the military while chanting, that they want the military t take over the government. The others in a most weird display were blandishing the flag of Russia and asking the Russians to take over the government of Nigeria. The frightening youch to this Russian angle being that most of them running aroung with these flags of the big bear do not know jack about Russia, or where the land is or the relationship between Nigeria and Russia. An obvious revelation that there is a twisted monkey hand in this ongoing suppost protest.
I do not have to be a prophet to say that we have not seen the last touch or even the true trajectory of this protest.
If I am to express my personal opinion, I will reveal to this ill conceived government the old maxim that a protest driven undergroup will eventaully emerge as a full blown revolution. At this point of protest, listen to the plight of the agrieved and address them.
My two penny worth.