There is a man who got himself on the rocks. Now, the rock is the power house from where the land divided into three by two rivers is supervised. This man is a notorious noise maker. Loves inging his own praises; Though he does not need to do that as he has grovelling under his feet an army of praise singers who do it at highest of crescendo. The rock man does not however brook any opposition nor tolerate any competition. He has an assistant whom he banished to the barracks far far from him. Far from his sight and sound.
Recently, the rock man announced that he was about to travel. Like earlier said, he is a man known for self aggrandizement. Whenever he is about to travel, all the war wagons and charrioys are rolled out. Every other traffic on the road is discouraged or inconvinienced to a point of desperation, by the conjestion his entourage will create. All his trumpeteres and amebos will let the land know that the rock man is on the move. So everyone has to maintain. However, somethings funny or totally out of character happened with the supposed outing of the rock man this time. As it was muted, please note the word muted, as against the normal confusion of announcements that are associated with such actvities, that the the man on the rock is traveling, his assistance in the brrack also announced that he too was about to travel to the land of Dee Tom. Instantly, the people of the land, especially some very expressive arisen people raised a howl. How could the two of you be leaving the land at once? who then will supervice the land. Are you two unwittingly telling us someting, like the soldier boys should march into the rock and take over? Of course, immediately, the paid propoganda machinery of the rock man went into overdrive. How dare you question the movement of the rock man.Do you know who he is. He is the rock man; the number one.
Suddenly the chariot of the assistant in the rubished barracks develpoed an instant faul. He cancelled his own travel for that silly reason. Then, the rock man sneaked of the land. Yes, I dare say sneaked. Like I said before, this is a man whose travels literary cause earth trmors. Suddenly, he leaves the land with little or no ripples. Honestly that raised lots of eyebrows. Then he goes to whereever, stayed for some days but no one heard any fiiim from him there. Aaaahhh, now all antennas were up. Then it was announced that he is back. Just like dat. No noise, no trffice jam, no gathering of hawks and amebos. No no no, something is really out of place here.
Now, the plot thickens. The known man of noise, since he came back from the clanestine travel, there has been a deafening silence from the rock.
Please whoever knows what is going on at the rock, let us know. He are quite concerned. it is going up to a week now or more, yet …