• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Christmas – Do you know whom it is all about


Jan 3, 2024

Dear friends and family, while we are in the euphoria and

glee of the celebration of Christmas, let us even in the heat of the moment take a

deep breath, take a few steps back, then pause and ponder over the life, works

and personality of the one we are celebrating the remembrance of His birth.

The way we are carrying on with this festivity, is Jesus actually invited to the party.

If peradventure He is invited, will He come? If He comes, will He stay?

Let us first of all remember that it is supposed to be His birthday, not ours.

No record in the Scriptures tells us about Him celebrating His birthday. Why we

have chosen to do it for Him and with such exuberance, beats simple imaginations

He never took out time to build a house. In fact He said that.. the Son of man has

nowhere to lay His head

He did not buy a new car … He rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed colt.

He did not throw parties, instead He fed thousands in an atmosphere devoid of

debauchery and hedonism.

We have replaced Him in His supposed birthday party with Father Christmas. A

bearded man from the north pole, who wears red robes, rides on a flying sledge,

pulled by flying reindeer, bearing gifts packaged by elves (demons) and secretly

gives it to children at nights. We now invite him to our churches, the holy

sanctuary of the God that does not share His glory and some go as far as wearing

his red colors on that day and singing songs exalting him.

It is now assciated with white snow, and songs to this effect is created to strenghten this aspect. It has become more a less a western tradition than anexpression of Faith. Stockings for the Mister Christmas gifts and fire places to indicate the Winter. No consideration for thos who live in climes without inclement cold and Winter.

The Bible teaches that Jesus went about doing good. Methinks that Christmas

should be observed in a somber and reflective mood. It should be a period of

quiet exhibition of compassiort and charity, in respect of the life, works and

personality of whom it is all about. God bless us all in Jesus name.

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