Emmanuel Uzo Obi – Erekosima house.
Seventy five years ago, precisely in 1929 one of the premier high schools in Nigeria was established by the British authorities in Umudike, Umuahia in an area now known as Abia State Nigeria . Other Government Colleges were Government College Ibadan, Government College Zaria ( Barewa College ) and of course Kings College which was established in 1909.
These high schools were modeled after British schools at Eton , Harrow and Winchester . Being models, Government invested heavily in these schools which became centers of academic excellence that naturally attracted the brightest amongst whom are Nigerians and Africans .Some of these Nigerians later assumed very important positions in Government, Industry, commerce and the various professions.
Apart from the quality of academic training at Government College Umuahia, students of Government College Umuahia are known for their high moral values and discipline which they agree is very necessary for the development of the individual.The school motto is ‘In Unum luceant’ which means, ‘may we shine as one’ and the students and Old Boys are proud to describe themselves as UMUAHIANS.
The students have their own governing body which is pretty much structured after the presidential system of government and students at a young age begin to learn to govern and this is not part of the academic curriculum.
For example, the College Captain has his cabinet made up of House Captains, then the College Dining Hall Captain, Labor Captain and Library Captain. Within each house, there are house prefects whose authority is limited to the house and they answer to the House Captain. Of course there is a staff member assigned to each house and is known as House Master.
The College Captain had the right to call the whole school out on punishment and we had such punishments known as ‘runs’ and ‘periods of detention’. An outsider may think the school life was very regimented but we had fun while in school.
Are the standards the same today? Definitely not. The departure of the British marked a turning point in the administration of the schools. This departure reached the climax at the beginning of the civil war when all the British staff had to leave. But in spite of this, the founding Principal, the late Reverend Robert Fisher still showed tremendous love to the College he started.
I was admitted into Government College Umuahia in 1971 and graduated in 1975 and I remember very vividly what the food looked like in those days and one can imagine what the food looks like today. In our days those who had maggi sauce were able to give the food some taste but I doubt maggi could do the job today. As a result of this and other reasons, instead of sending our children to our great alma mater, we look for private schools, federal government schools or even send them overseas. The Physical structure at Government College is far more developed than some of Nigeria ’s higher institutions of learning and the cost of maintaining them is significant. Is the school being adequately funded to maintain the established standards? This school was once the responsibility of the former Eastern Nigeria Government. Perhaps, it might be a good idea for the Federal Government to now take over these Public schools such as the Government Colleges to maintain the standards set by the founding authorities and enable them make even greater strides.
There are no recent editions of books in school libraries today, and this is a problem that is faced by the entire school system in Nigeria today. Teachers who attempt to write books plagiarize, and the students know this. As a fall out of a deteriorating school system, cult activities in higher institutions, have managed to penetrate secondary schools.
The purpose of this article is to put into perspective the challenge that faces School Authorities today and which could possibly re-define the role of Old Boys Associations of all high schools in Nigeria today.
In our days, there were no cult activities in schools, and there were incentives to study. The libraries had books, there were sporting and debating activities, every student hoped to graduate into the University.
These Universities these days are closed most part of the school year, teachers are sometimes not paid and our youth are victims of a collapsing system. The final result is that our institutions of learning will probably become training grounds for criminals.
A very disappointing aspect of the attitude of some folks is non-chalance predicated on the fact they no longer need their alma mater. But if things are allowed to continue deteriorating, then it will come to a stage we all will be ashamed to associate our selves as products of the high schools we passed through.
It is not my intention to prescribe roles for Old Boys associations, but at least it has reached a stage we should be brain storming to see how we can halt the drift.
Reading through the recently published book ‘My Life’ by President William Clinton I discovered he played a leading role in a boy’s organization known as De Molay. De Molay is a boy’s wing of Freemasonry but this is not the same as the bloody cults we have in our school system in Nigeria today. But our church leaders would want to blame secret societies that adults belong to, showing they are rather ignorant or playing politics with a serious matter that needs their attention. Bloody cults, oaths, violence and this is real. How can Old Boys Associations help?
Old Boys associations overseas branches could help with books, new or used or even procure refurbished computers from a variety of sources and equip their alma mater.In this task, they could partner with state governments in seeing that they are shipped at no extra cost to the schools with the ultimate objective of setting up internet connection in schools as well as providing computer education.
The attention of these students must be re-directed if the decadence in schools must be stopped.
As Government College Umuahia turns 75 it is important to mention that very recently products of the school are playing very prominent roles.
Governor Emmanuel Okwesilieze Nwodo (Erekosima House) former Governor Enugu State, Governor Achike Udenwa of Imo State, Governor Orji Kalu of Abia,Chief Vincent Ogbulafor (Erekosima House)PDP National Secretary, Chief Ifeatu Obi-Okoye (Fisher House)Embattled PDP Chairman Anambra State, and Justice Isaac Chukwura Nnamani a.k.a Jazzy(Erekosima House) of the Federal High Court, are some of the Umuahians playing key roles in Nigeria today.Those before them include Vincent Aniago former Secretary to the Government and Head of Civil Service Old Anambra State and later Deputy Governor,M.E.P Udebiuwa former Federal Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance, George Kurubo former Number 2 to Aguiyi-Ironsi, late Brigadier Tim Onwuatuegwu, Professors Chinua Achebe, Vincent Ike, Dr Okoi Arikpo, N.U. Akpan (former Secretary to the Eastern Nigeria Government and later Biafran Government) and an host of others.
About 16 years ago, I once had a medical emergency in Enugu and my family immediately contacted Dr Egbuna Obidike who responded within 5 minutes with another consultant specialist. That was an example of old boy connection having a specialist respond at home and in Nigeria. In the US, paramedics are usually the first responders.
Many of us class of 1971 were not present at the Golden Jubilee and would not be present at this 75th Birthday.The next milestone would be the centennial celebrations in twenty five years time 2029.Most of us would be Septuagenarians by then and we would meet at Umuahia to shine as One.
We lift our voice to thee, O Lord
To Thee we sing with one accord
to grant us through Thy Son Adored
The will to shine as one.
From Morning till the approach of Night
With humble minds, with all our might
We seek this gift which is Thy Light
The will to shine as one.
As all of us, or black or white
Beseech Thee now us to unite
That all may seek this gift Thy Light
The will to shine as one.
We beg thee now to show the way
That all of us may kneel and pray
And see and keep from day to day
The will to shine as one.
To be an Umuahian is very unique. Being born in Umuahia does not make one an Umuahian, but simply , a native of Umuahia. To be an Umuahian, you must be a student or Old Boy of Government College Umuahia.
Apart from the quality of academic training at Government College Umuahia, students of Government College Umuahia are known for their high moral values and discipline which they agree is very necessary for the development of the individual.
The school motto is ‘In Unum luceant’ which means, ‘may we shine as one’ and the students and Old Boys are proud to describe themselves as UMUAHIANS.
The students have their own governing body which is pretty much structured after the presidential system of government and students at a young age begin to *learn to govern* and this is not part of the academic curriculum.
For example, the College Captain has his cabinet made up of House Captains, then the College Dining Hall Captain, Labor Captain and Library Captain. Within each house, there are house prefects whose authority is limited to the house and they answer to the House Captain. Of course there is a staff member assigned to each house and is known as House Master.
The College Captain had the right to call the whole school out on punishment and we had such punishments known as ‘runs’ and ‘periods of detention’. An outsider may think the school life was very regimented but we had fun while in school. Are the standards the same today? Definitely not. The departure of the British marked a turning point in the administration of the schools. This departure reached the climax at the beginning of the civil war when all the British staff had to leave. But in spite of this, the founding Principal, the late Reverend Robert Fisher still showed tremendous love to the College he started…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! OUR DEAR ALMA MATER.~Obi.E.U Erekosima House writes from North Carolina