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Foolish Bravado – The case of Jezebel


Nov 15, 2021

   Jezebel daring the judgment.

She heard that Jehu had slain her son, and slain him for her whoredoms and witchcrafts, and thrown his dead body into the portion of Naboth, according to the word of the Lord, and that he was now coming to Jezreel, where she could not but expect herself to fall next a sacrifice to his revenging sword.

Now see how she meets her fate; she posted herself in a window at the entering of the gate, to affront Jehu and set him at defiance. 1. Instead of hiding herself, as one afraid of divine vengeance, she exposed herself to it and scorned to flee, mocked at fear and was not affrighted. See how a heart hardened against God will brave it out to the last, run upon him, even upon his neck, Job 15:26. But never did any thus harden their hearts against him and prosper. 2. Instead of humbling herself, and putting herself into close mourning for her son, she painted her face, and tired her head, that she might appear like herself, that is (as she thought), great and majestic, hoping thereby to daunt Jehu, to put him out of countenance, and to stop his career. The Lord God called to baldness and girding with sackcloth, but behold painting and dressing, walking contrary to God, Isaiah 22:12, Isaiah 22:13.

There is not a surer presage of ruin than an unhumbled heart under humbling providences. Let painted faces look in Jezebel’s glass, and see how they like themselves. 3. Instead of trembling before Jehu, the instrument of God’s vengeance, she thought to make him tremble with that threatening question, Had Zimri peace, who slew his master? Observe, (1.) She took no notice of the hand of God gone out against her family, but flew in the face of him that was only the sword in his hand. We are very apt, when we are in trouble, to break out into a passion against the instruments of our trouble, when we ought to be submissive to God and angry at ourselves only. (2.) She pleased herself with the thought that what Jehu was now doing would certainly end in his own ruin, and that he would not have peace in it. He had cut her off from all pretensions to peace (2 Kings 9:22), and now she thought to cut him off likewise. Note, It is no new thing for those that are doing God’s work to be looked upon as out of the way of peace. Active reformers, faithful reprovers, are threatened with trouble; but let them be in nothing terrified, Philemon 1:28. (3.) She quoted a precedent, to deter him from the prosecution of this enterprise: “Had Zimri peace? No, he had not; he came to the throne by blood and treachery, and within seven days was constrained to burn the palace over his head and himself in it: and canst thou expect to fare any better?”

Had the case been parallel, it would have been proper enough to give him this memorandum; for the judgments of God upon those that have gone before us in any sinful way should be warnings to us to take heed of treading in their steps. But the instance of Zimri was misapplied to Jehu. Zimri had no warrant for what he did, but was incited to it merely by his own ambition and cruelty; whereas Jehu was anointed by one of the sons of the prophets, and did this by order from heaven, which would bear him out. In comparing persons and things we must carefully distinguish between the precious and the vile, and take heed lest from the fate of sinful men we read the doom of useful men. II. Jehu demanding aid against her.

He looked up to the window, not daunted at the menaces of her impudent but impotent rage, and cried, Who is on my side? Who? 2 Kings 9:32. He was called out to do God’s work, in reforming the land and punishing those that had debauched it; and here he calls out for assistance in the doing of it, looked as if there were any to help, any to uphold, Isaiah 63:5. He lifts up a standard, and makes proclamation, as Moses (Exodus 32:26), Who is on the Lord’s side? And the Psalmist (Psalms 94:16), Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers? Note, When reformation-work is set on foot, it is time to ask, “Who sides with it?” III. Her own attendants delivering her up to his just reveng

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