• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Stanley Meyer the Man Who Invented A Car Model That Uses Water Instead Of Fuel


Oct 26, 2021


As the world continues to embrace new technology and new ideas, we have had famous and great people in the past who have had to pay the ultimate price and some with their own lives.View pictures in App save up to 80% data.

Anytime there is an new invention or new idea, it is meant to make life easier and simpler and sometimes new Inventions may even threaten the already existing inventions which may not survive. We all know that old has to give room for the new and as a result new inventions always lead to the death of previous ones.

Mr Stanley Meyer is one inventor who had to pay dearly with his own life after making one of the most powerful inventions that would have revolutionized the entire planet.View pictures in App save up to 80% data.

As we are speaking now, the invention came to a halt because the inventor is no more. Stanley’s invention was one of the most incredible and had he been alive today, our world would have been changed significantly by him.

In 1990s, Stanley came up with the idea and a technology that would enable a fuel driven car use water instead. We all know that fuel is one of the most precious commodities in our world today. Stanley’s invention would have saved many people and the expense on fuel would have rather been invested in other important things.View pictures in App save up to 80% data.

The increased oil prices has made this commodity not affordable especially to low income earners in some parts of the world. Stanley’s invention came at a time when the US was undergoing a serious economic crisis in 1975.

The oil supply had just been cut off by the Saudi government. The oil prices had increased and many car owners couldn’t even afford to buy fuel and the economy was not good at all. This was the time when Stanley came up with this idea to solve this problem and luckily it was a success.View pictures in App save up to 80% data.Stanley had even invented his own car that was actually water driven and was working so well. It was such a genius invention that brought a lot of hope to the world but little did he know that not everyone would receive it gladly. The car used a simple scientific method where the cell would simply split the water molecules into hydrogen which was then burnt by the cell and thus producing the energy that was used to drive the vehicle.

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Right from the beginning, Stanley met a lot of opposition. He had begun moving throughout the country to showcase his idea. If the idea would be supported and taken by the government, it would mark the beginning of the collapse of the oil and fuel market allover the world and so all had to be done to make sure the project is not adopted.View pictures in App save up to 80% data.

While in a restaurant with his brother, a hired assassin had been sent and he was killed ad died of food poisoning and this was on March 1998. The last words he spoke according to his brother were, “they have poisoned me” and then he breathe his last.

It was more evident that it was Stanley’s invention that provoked his killing and his death still remains a mystery many years later.View pictures in App save up to 80% data.

Many years later, it is still not clear what was the cause of Stanley’s death and the fact that he saw killed because of his invention still remains unproven. Do you think that the people opposed to his invention had a hand to do with his killing? Let me hear from you on what you think from the comment section below. Also don’t forget to like and share this article.Content created and supplied by HarryJuma.Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. Opera News does not consent to nor does it

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