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Is The Ethiopian Bible the Complete Bible


Oct 26, 2021


The Bible has an interesting approach to life and the afterlife that has made it a subject of discussion in every church, and in every part of the world for thousands of years. This has been the case since the book first arrived and was received all over the world but while this book is accepted, some scholars and historians have claimed that there is more to this book and to find out the missing ideas and subjects in the book, we should look towards Africa. Why Africa you ask?

Well, in truth, one cannot truly guess what they mean but a Clue perhaps presents itself in the idea that the Bible has been seen or noted by some to have 66 Books when it should have more. For instance, the Catholics tend to use a Bible with more books than protestants, the Russian Orthodox have certain books in theirs that others don’t but the question is, where can we find a Bible or a book that has everything that should be in the book in one huge and beautiful body of work? Our popular 66 books are satisfying for some but for others, they simply cannot bring themselves to stop searching for more and so they looked towards Africa in search of the truth.

The reason historians look to Africa, well Ethiopia in particular is because they have found that in the Bible with its 66 Books, there are certain references to a particular tribe from Africa that studied and kept proper documentation. If the Bible in its pages made these references, it leads us to believe that at some point in History, as Documented in the Bible, Ethiopians or at least tribes from Ethiopia were known in Biblical times to be people who keep documents, historical writings, and ensure its safekeeping. This reference can be seen in the book of Solomon, and even in the New Testament.

So if the Bible points to the Ethiopians being a Tribe of people that are quite educated with men or individuals with skill to keep track of historical occurrences, it would mean that those who ask that we look to Africa for the possibility of a complete Bible are not exactly liars or conspiracy theorists, rather they are historians who have come to this conclusion after studying for quite some time. The idea of a complete Bible as often discussed means a book that contains every book ever written as part of Jewish culture and the newly formed Christianity at some point. This would mean that the book would be quite exceptional if it truly exists and would be quite huge, perhaps too big to even carry.

Well, as for this book, we have a clue of where it could be and we understand that it exists in Ethiopia and in a much better way than we would usually imagine. While we imagine a book that contains just writing, the Ethiopian Bible contains writings as well as Depictions. This means that the Ethiopian not only contained several unseen and unstated books, it also contains illustrations. This book contains drawings and paintings directed at showing a much more understandable picture of what the texts are trying to communicate.

The popular Ethiopian Bible is known as the Garima Gospels, named after an Ethiopian Monk who lived in Ethiopia in the fifth century. According to sources, A man called Abba Garima arrived at the shores of Ethiopia where he copied the original texts into one book and did the illustrations making the book such an interesting book in the history of religion. What many do not know is that this book contains several books as copied by Garima from the original books, such as the Book of Enoch and others.

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