Olympic Medal Count
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The Olympic games is over. Every country that participated has packed their their kaya from Japan and gone home. Some to count their glories and celebrate while others have to creep home in shame, with little or nothing to show for all the huff and pump that was the preparations and participation in the Olympic games.
The above is a list of the medals won by some of the countries that partook in the Tokyo Olympics which won medals there.
Now, the essence of this write up is to look at the impression that Africa as an entire continent made in this sports outing.
The total number of gold medals that the whole participated countries in Africa of 56 countries and about a billion people won is 11. This is less than that of Australia that came 6th on the medals table with 17 gold medals and 46 medals in total. Africas total medal haul is at par with Germany, one solitary country that is 10th on the table and 37 medals all together as Africa.
Of course the number of Africas entire medal collection is laughably less than only the 39 gold medals that America went home with.
If the report of this games and others before it and the associated dismal outing of Africa is an indication of the state of affairs of this continent then there really is cause for serious worries.
The fact that since the commence of the Olympic games going more than a hundred years ago, African has not been permitted to host it even once. Any one can give their diverse interpretations to this but I believe that what you bring to the table determines your negotiational value. What is Africa’s contribution vis a vis the Western and some rich Asian countries to the finances of the Olympic games. The arguemnet here is that these rich countries because they contribute much to these sporting activities have the power to decide what kind of sports and games that are included in the list to be competed over. The British have brought in their horse thing. For the life of me, what is sporty about a prancing horse, I and the entire world is yet to figure out. Yet they rake in medals on this. This time around, we saw the Japanese win medals in board skating. I saw girls doing acrobatics inside water. Pure entertainment has been turned into sports and games so that certain countries that contribute reasonably to the games can go home not empty handed.
The question however, is What is peculiar to Africa that we can introduce or force into the Olympic games. That is if we can raise enough funds to bring us to the negotiation tables.
Look at Nigeria, the vaunted giants of Africa, with a population of more than 200 million people and her 17th Century brand of democracy. What was her position in the Japan games? Apitiable, laughable, 66th. With no gold, 1 bronze and 1 silver. Just 2 paltry medals for all the noise that emanated from that country concerning this Tokyo meet.
From the above table, Kenya, Uganda and many others came far anead of Nigeria. Sadly, even with her pathetic position Nigeria still came first in West Africa. Quite ahead of Burki na Faso, Corte d’ Ivore and Ghana which won only one bronze each.