Death is not reincarnation Death is not evaporation Death is TRADE-IN One day we will trade down our bodies for a new body. Body is from God, it’s from God, it’s not made with hands, it is eternal. It is heavenly, it is not earthly. Oh!!! Grandma, you are beautiful in your heavenly body! Adeo mama We groan because of a job we hate, we groan because of unfulfilled Dreams, we groan because our bodies break down, we groan because our marriage breakup. We groan because our children go astray. We groan because our friends disappoint us. We groan because we live, we fallen, we mixed-up, we messed up, we broken down. We ourselves are broken, so we look for a better day and better place, and we dream of better world. Where there is: No more cancer No more back pain No more abuse No more hates No more hurricanes No more crime No more sadness No more night No more sickness Grandma, you are fine, you do not need Safia, Abu and Adams to feed, you do not need a doctor to treat you, you are fine, putting on a heavenly body; You are fine, beautiful in your new body!! Grandma we always long to see you, time did not opportune us, but we know you are just fine. Goodnight mama | |||