: If you drop two objects of unequal weights; one of say, ten kilos and the other of two kilos, from the same height, which of them will hit the ground first? Try it and you will be surprised.
In a family Bible study gathering, my little girl asked the group if anyone could tell how Elijah went to heaven. By a chariot of fire, we all said, including me the supposed learned pastor. The young girl had shaken her head with disappointment at all of us, “But that’s not what the Bible said” she admonished us. Of course, we all rushed to that story in ll kings 2:11 and were all embarrassed. And that day l was humbled and have learnt that from the two case points above that
Not all we see and hear are exactly as we see them. Look closer even at the supposed little details. That is what separates the brilliant from the hard worker.
Secondly, that the crowd is chanting it and it is the contemporary stereotype belief, the hype of the day does not make it the fact.
Third, that it is sensational and very attractive like the chariot of fire does not make it real. Do not let such distract you from the real issues of life.
When you don’t understand it. Ask, tge Lord. ASAP, Always say a prayer.
May The great and All knowing God bless us all and teach us the deep mysteries of life for today, to enable us attain our potentials in Jesus name.