John 6:27-29 KJV
Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. [28] Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? [29] Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
These verses of scriptures attests to Christ's reply to people who were looking for him for the Miracles of loaves of bread. Jesus said 'Labour not for the meat that perished. The labour of meat that perisheth are the labour of the world, the miracle of loaves of bread and the things the Gentiles offer unto idols and they think they are offering it to God. They want to bribe God by giving God first their resources to get blessed but actually what God requires first is their heart and not their resources. 2Corinthians 8:5 The resources given to you is not only for you but also for your neighbours and those in need and then the Church, not vice vicer. The meat that endureth to everlasting life is talking about the deity of Jesus as Lord. Jesus is the giver of life and in him proceeds all things and the FATHER has put all things under him. He gives life in abundance. What then do you need to do in order to do the work of God.
(1)Believe the FATHER
(2)Believe on the son (Jesus) whom He has sent. The first commandment of God is that you shouldn't have any other god beside me. Many people mistake this commandment as loving thy God with all thy heart, thy strength and thy might as the first. Jesus loved the FATHER and Jesus proceeded forth from him and he does whatsoever pleases the FATHER. JESUS was in the FATHER just like Eve was in Adam before the FATHER sent Jesus to the world to accomplish our redemption. That's why you Believe on the FATHER and you believe also on his son Jesus. Jesus said that he that beliveth on him,believeth not on him but on him that sent him .John 12:44.(3)To accomplish God's work(a,)Do not be worker's of men or men pleaser's.Galatians1:10 (b)Preach the TRUTH of the word of God James 1:18 John 17:17.(c) Be instant in season and out of season preaching the gospel. It means you must be steadfast relating and distributing and engaging yourself in savlvation of souls of men not religion or church. Gathering souls on one man's account is the man's reward not your's. Be wise and circumspect. The scriptures emphasises he that gathereth. He is singular not plural. (d)Works assigned or given to us from the FATHER and Jesus his son are numerous and every individual MUST give heed to accomplish this work The work is to fulfil his will on earth as it is in heaven and to make the earth to be as heaven before his last coming. Every believer should lay this to heart and watch and also be prepared less at his coming you will not be taken away or chosen.