Love Tangle is a work of fiction set in an African university at a period when student cultism was rife and lecturers acted as if they were above the laws of man and nature.
In order to create the suspense that will bring out the zing in the story, the entire work will be compressed to have occurred just in a semester period or even shorter. However there will be flashbacks and intermittent walks down memory lane.
Love Tangle which is a romance fiction has a racy touch and a bit of homicide gore to it. This which will be laced with very descriptive fight scenes is therefore a book mildly focused on adult readership. The fiction is about a murder or rather, a double murder in the campus. It therefore comes with all the suspense, investigations and intrigue that come with such an occurrence in a close knit community like a university campus.
To keep the reader deeply interested and guessing all through the book, the almost formal academic aspect of the campus activities will be visited once in a while but will not comprise not constitute the core of the work, rather, the high speed, volatile and accident prone social life of a typical African university community will be the heart of the story. However the core occurrence which in this case is murder will naturally attract the attention and participation of law enforcement authorities from outside to play central roles in the story line.
The main idea being to end the story in a clash of cymbals as deviants and the law end up in a romantic tangle.
Carol Maduassa, the central character, a third year Sociology student of the Rock State University whose escapades both moral and immoral touches every other character in the story, some intimately and some remotely is supposed to be one of the big girls i the campus. Running with a wild female crowd which operate both in and out of campus, she painted everything she touched red.
She believes that every act or intentions of folks have some sort of angle; power angle, money angle, fun angle or even sex angle. She however thinks that the love is one that needs to be avoided as it leads to all sorts of complications. Instead of an angle it is a tangle.
Her search was for a good time and hot cash from randy and willing men, be they students, lecturers, money bags from town and expatriates. Throwing morals out of the window, she was ready and willing to achieve her heart’s desire through any means available; be it resorting to near nefariousness and perversion or physically beating off likely opposition. Unfortunately, one thing she did not put into consideration in her manipulations is the betrayal of the heart.
Banjo, the near superman character is to be casted as the head of the Black hoods, a cult that rules and reigns in the social or underworld of the university. He is one of Carol’s lovers.
Dr Jom; a lecherous lecturer in the university is one of Carols teachers and one of her amorous hang ons. He fulfils her book angle. Sex for marks.
Professor Shashir, the vice chancellor of the Rock University. A crass and inordinately ambitious man, while incompetently running the affairs of the university to the ground maintains a classless opulent lifestyle.
He has an obese interfering wife who runs the gossip world of the university lecturers’ wives.
Police Commissioner Zang, a very powerful man with a sad past, investigates the homicide in the campus. He is yet a flipped coin in the story, which could land on either side. His fate at the end of the story will affect many others who had contact with him, one way or the other.
Many other very interesting characters will feature prominently in the course of the writing.
With such potpourri of high tension action compressed into one story line, something is bound to break at the end.