Proverbs 18:22[22]The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the lord.The scriptures teaches that a man who find’s a wife,find’s a good treasure & he gets favour from the Lord. What is treasure & what is favour? Simple definition of treasure is something worth of great value. In this case the woman is of great value to the man if he find’s a perfect rib of his .When this is achieved, he now receiver’s God’s favour as a result of selecting his own rib justly.The scriptures says the man.The scriptures is emphatically saying that the man must find the wife,but are there instances in the bible when another has to seek a wife for another, the answer is YES. Consult Genesis 24:1-6 Abraham instructed his eldest servant who ruled over his house not to take a wife for his son Isaac from the land of the Canaanites. Abraham instructed him to go to his country & to his kindred & fetch a wife for Isaac.In this if we can be honest to ourselves, you can already find out that the scriptures has a pattern in the choice of partnership/union or marriage. Who initiated Isaac marriage? Abraham the father of Isaac initiated it.Who brought it to fruition? The eldest/chief servant of Abraham. The question is was Isaac not of age as to get a wife himself or was it their tradition then? You decipher or decode it yourself. In the world which we find ourselves now is not the the world behind.In this 21first century, any believer who possesses the truth & spirit of God MUST know how to get who to marry by exploiting every avenue/place’s found in the scriptures as a guide & not man made doctrine’s.Example it is a common pronouncement by the Pastor’s that when you find a wife,the first port of call is to inform the pastor before the parent’s.(1) This is man made doctrine (2)It is unbiblical.If it is biblical, let the pastor’s prove it by pointing out the specific place it is in the scriptures that men should come to them to approve of their wives. (3)It is an outright disrespect & dishonor to the parent’s who have toiled day & night for their children .The scriptures affirms that we should honour our father & mother.When we now give the information we should give to our parents first ,who are our second creation God being the first to the pastor’s, where is then the honour. This is just a plot & man made doctrine to usurp power & authority from parents .The right approach when a man or a woman find’s who to marry,they should consult their parents first before anyone since they are their mentor’s from birth.When this protocols are observed, then one can have a divine favour & blessing of the Almighty God. Many marriages today are in shambles & trauma as a result of not functioning in the doctrine prescribed by God, but by MEN. God didn’t set up marriage committee, man did.God did not set up courtship, man did.How many day’s was the courtship of Isaac & Rebbeca? Please if you know inform me, I don’t know. God did not set up mode of dress or outfit to marry with , man did.God gave every one a will power to do what is just & right & not to be controlled by another to his own hurt Ecclesiastes 8:9.Are you aware that the greatest blessing you can receive in your marriage is not that of the pastor’s but God first & then your parent’s. Your parent’s can approve & consummate your marriage without the pastor if the family/parent know who they are in the Lord without church. The individual as entity is church & family as entity is church even before the general church assembly. The man is the priest of the house & that is why Abraham played the role in securing a wife for his son.Marriage can be done in the general church assembly, but things should be done decently & in order first.Any one has a choice out there for him/her to make,but must be done according to the perfect law book of God therein. Blessings.