1 The man beats and humiliates his wife and refused to listen to the woman’s placations. One day while he was away the woman packed and left him. When he came back, at first he was surprised, then angry and threatening. Then he pretended nonchalance and apathy. This was followed by boastfulness. After there was no response from the woman who has started living and enjoying her new life without the man, the bully became miserable. He begged and cajoled the woman to come back but she paid him no heed. Then he threatened to commit suicide but this also did not work with the resolute lady. Now the man goes about sad and miserable.
What are the lessons from this parable?
– A bully is not necessarily strong.
— Strength is not just physical but in the mind
– Pride is not an assertion of superiority but an attempt to hide weaknesses.
And on and on – – -.
2 Man has hunted down and killed a lot of the animals. In a bid to do something about this the animals decided to call a meeting of all the animals. However on the day of that meeting the cow decided that she is too busy and stated that whatever is decided by the animals in that meeting is absolutely agreeable to her.
Well the agreement of the animals on that day was that they will give up one of their own to man to kill for meat so that he will stop slaughtering them in the forest. This is the story our fathers told us on how the cattle came to become man’s property.
Moral: Endeavour to be around when decisions concerning your life are being taken.
3 The lamb was playing outside in the village square and the lion’s cub came out and joined him and the two innocent children frolicked and rolled all over the square playing happily. The sheep saw them and she was worried that the lion will kill her child .the lioness saw them and was angry that her child was playing with food instead of bringing it home for them to eat.
When the children have finished playing they went home to their houses. In the sheep’s house, mother sheep beat her child for his irresponsibility. Did he not know that it is them that the lions eat as food. Also in the lion’s house mother lion beat her child and sent him to bed that night without food for playing with food and letting it go. This caused therefore that the next morning the lion cub came out to the square and as he saw the little lamb passing from a distance he shouted to him, “Oh lamb came let us play as we played yesterday”. The sheep however would have none of him, he kept his safe distance. On further urge by the little lion the sheep shouted back “Little lion, that which your mother told you yesterday, my mother told me too”.