A bar opened near a church!
Of cause there were clashes as were not at agreement in any ways. Every time the church is to have its acivity, the cafe is blasting its music. Of cource the church folks harass the cafe clients on their wayward ways and tries to attract them into the church.
Meanwhile, the church prays daily against the thriving drinking rowdy joint. One day, the cafe was struck by lightening and set ablaze and it burnt down. The cafe owner immediately took the matter to court, suing the church and its priest of malicious damage because he claimed it was their prayers that caused the lightening and the follow up fire.
In court, the church denied all responsibilities.
The Jugde after hearing from the two sides shakes his head and announced Herein lies a dilenma. Here is a a sinner who believers in the power of prayers and believers who do not believe in it.