• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

African Christian vs Our Tradition?


Jan 3, 2024

It is time for we the African Christian believer to take a breather and review our relation with the land of our birth. It is sad that the African Christian sees everything that is associated with the tradition of our land as impure and evil while he practically eulogizes that which is of other peoples cultures and traditions.

As the 24 Elders of Heaven in the Book of Revelation chapter 4 tells us, God created all thing for His pleasure. He did not create us to wage wars against principalities and powers. Does your life give God pleasure? So you ask here, What gives God pleasure? Luke 15:7 that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Therefore, what gives Our Father in Heaven great joy is when a soul going to hell is turned around to the Light of the Holy God. This is the aunction that the Lord Jesus gave us in the great commission as in the last chapters and verses of the Books of Matthew and Mark and also in the first chapter of Acts of the Apostles. He enjoined and empowered to go into the world and win souls. There He gave us the tools to do this, and blessings to those who will do this in the name of The Father, The son and The Holy Spirit.

Let us please stop casting aspersions and castegating and codemming that which is ours. Our land is our spiritual address. Yes, the land of our birth has our DNA and our original address and identity. If you deny it, it will deny you. And as a people we will therefore find it most difficult to progress in our efforts.

Our All powerful God has the power to take care of His own battles, that is why He did not give it to us to fight. He simply told us to resist the devil and it will flee from us. Thus says the LORD to you in 2 Chronicles 20:15 ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. Remember, Our Father is the Omnipotent One. All powerful God.

The Lord eleborated on this and gives us the way on how to get about it in the Book of Leviticus 25:19 when He tells us that no matter what occurs in the land that If we His people which are called by His name shall humble ourselves and prayer and also repent from our iniquities and seek His face that He will hear us from heaven, and forgive our sins and He will heal the land; It is the Lord that has the altimate power to rectify whatever is supposed to have gone wrong on the land mainly by our activities.

Please let us stop cursing Africa in any ways whatsoever, for the land is a living thing. If we continue cursing it, it will continue getting sicker and sicker and will be cursing us back. Remember that if we are humble and obedient, we will eat the fruit of the land, as stated in the Book of Isaiah 1:19. In the Book of Genesis after creation God gave us the land with specific instructions to replenish it and make it good. The truth remains that with all our battles against our tradition and our righteous indignations against the land, How Far have we gone? Our land continues getting poor, our people are impoverished and in the grip of the rulership of non believers who do not know God and continue holding us in bondage and using poerty, ignorance and penury as weapons against us. On the reverse of the coin, the Islaelies from where our Faith emanated are deep in their own tradition which they have inculcated their belief system. You can behold the extent of the ir growth, despite all the dire challenges they are facing in all directions and even the harshness of the territory they are inhabiting.

Please brothers and sisters of Africa, let us rever our land have respect for our traditions, especially those that do not go contrary to our Faith. Do not worship other gods, worship only Our Father which is in Heaven and do His will. Tel the world about the love of Jesus and the passion of the cross, His death, resurrection and the salvation of mankind through Him. Bring souls to salvation. That is our duty as believers and the children of Light.

Jesus loves us all.

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