• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Nmesoma and the system that made her


Jul 9, 2023

Seeking for a medical doctor of African origin in Belgium, that could understand the physiology and the psychology and the total Sociology of the African in a sickness situation and finding this search almost fruitless, I embarked on a research work which I titled the dearth of the African professional in the Flanders of Belgium. In the course of this investigation, I had a cause to interface with certain lawyers who are Belgians. Here, one of them that gave me cause for concern when he asked me Why I was looking fort he living among the dead. How many Belgian professional have you seen? he had asked me. Though this was not the core of my research, I had deviate to find out why such a sophisticated society did not have so many professionals in their midst. My finding here is that intergral in the Belgium educational system is a artisan training for those who are not so desirous fort he heavy academic demands of the high colar professionals. Now, this training, be it welding, cleaning or laundary, tailoring, mechanics or what not, one can get a life contract with this training. With that you can marry, buy a house, raise your kids, go for holidays. Now tot his society, one has almost all that one desires in life.

My research many years back on the Apprenticeship syndrom reveal that the 6 3 3 system in Nigeria was introduced with this type of technical assistance in mind, to accomodate those who can not continue to higher institutions.

Now with this sort of system, tell me, why should one ever bother to want to resort to certificate forging?

I stand that Nmesoma, should be punished as stated by the law of the land for a minor that is involved in a crime of that sort.

However, I and obviously the entire rational world would not subscribe to a system like Nigeria that treat such issues according to who you have succeeded by hook or crook to become; I remember a lady who was the finance minister under Buharis government. Suddenly the Nigerian airwaves was awash with the news that her National youth service Corps certificate was questionable. This lady was hounded and harassed out of office. I believe that the trauma that poor lady that came from the UK to serve her nation suffered will dog her all her life. Yet in that same government, Buhari was asked to produce his certificate. Insqtead the piece of paper, the president appeared in court with more than ninety SANS. Then the courts and their legal song and dance started. Eventually some hogwash excuse for legal pronouncement was made, and the embarassment that was Buhari continued with his clueless administration that lierary set Nigeria back more than fifty years.

Now, we are trapped with a man whose name is questionable, his academic history and supporting certificate are subject to any kind of comic interpretation, yet no one is laughing. His Family background is the same, shrouded in darkness and so his source of sinful wealth.

Yet, there are people who are clapping along for him.

The Bible enjoins us to teach a child the way he will go and when he grows, he will not depart from.

Any society that exalts criminals and celebrate their ill gotten wealth will breed Nmesomas. Will breed Yahoo boys and girls and scammers. Will breed kidnappers.

Any society that allow the Abba Kyaris, the Asari Dukugbos, MC Olumos and such to thrive will have their own boko haram

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