20 Funniest Quotes From Patience Jonathan
1. My husband and Sambo is a good people.
2. The President was once a child and the
Senators were once a children .
3. My fellow widows. I have come to speak to you in memory of my husband
4. A good mother takes care of his children .
5. The people sitting before you were once
a children .
6. Yes we are all happy for the effort, it is
not easy to carry second in an
International competition like this one ,
(addressing the press after Female
Under -19 FIFA World Cup ).
7. The bombers who born them? Wasn ’ t it not
a woman ? They were once a children now a
adult now they are bombing women and
children making some children a widow .
8. My heart feels sorry for these children who
have become widows for loosing their parents
for one reason or another .
9. We should have love for our fellow
Nigerians irrespective of their NATIONALITY .
10. Thank God the Doctors and Nurses
are responding to treatment .
11. I would rather kill myself instead of
committing suicide .
12. Ojukwu is a great man , he died but
his manhood lives on.
13) Chai! Chai! There is God o… there ’ s God
in everything we are doing, continue !
14) Na only you waka come?
15) Vote UMBLERRA and press your finger for
16) My husband, Dr Goodluck Jonathan and
Sambo is a quiet people
17. At least we all have HIV AIDS except that
some of us are negative and some of us are
positive ( On World AIDS day speech)
18) History ’ll not be completely without
19) The people sitting before you here were
once a Children
20) I donate my family on behalf of 20million
21) I went to India to rest in peace
She is the Nigerian first lady , Dr . Dame Chief
(Mrs). Patience Fakabelema Jonathan (nee
Oba ). Her middle name is FAKABELEMA ,
often shortened to Faka , which
means ‘ Unending Blessings ’ . A permanent
secretary in her native Bayelsa state . Dr Mrs
Patience Jonathan is married to the President
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria , Goodluck
Jonathan. She has thrilled us and made us
laugh over the past few years with a number
of her grammatical blunders. Above are some of her
most interesting ones.
Truth is that the Nigerian political sphere will not be complete wihout the gaffsd the likes of her.
Presently one of the presidential candidates is really giving her a run for her money and all set to upset her record. This is one is called Blablablu!!!