• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

The exit of a Queen and the entrance of a King


Sep 9, 2022

Amidst the pouring of emotion and even certain contrary expressions to the demise of Queen Elizabeth II, The eldest child of the late queen, Charles, Prince of Wales, who at 73 is the oldest heir apparent in British history, becomes king of United Kingdom.

The ScopeNews has earlier reported that the longest-serving monarch in British history died on her bed aged 96. Reliable news from the Buckingham Palace announced on Thursday.

All her children — Charles, Princess Anne, 72, Prince Andrew, 62, and Prince Edward, 58, flocked to her Scottish Highland retreat, Balmoral.

They were joined by Charles’s sons, Prince William, and his brother Prince Harry.

Recall that Queen Elizabeth had two days back appointed Liz Truss as the 15th prime minister of her reign and was seen smiling in photographs but looking frail and using a walking stick.

As the United Kingdom prepares for the burial of her queen, one has the privilege to look down memory lane at the life and times of this woman whom some shake their heads at her long reign and longer life. That she has survived wars, pandemics, government shake ups, sworn in fifteen prime ministers, experienced the strange phenomenum of Englanf winning the world cup are accounts to a life full of history.

Truth be told however, while some recount her story as that of a horeine, some insist that she shhould be relegated to the hall of infamy. yet it depends on who is telling the story, but for this writer, I have chosen to remain nuetral as we watch with expectation how Britain that is still in the throes of its painful and obviously unplanned exit from Europe is going to cope with this change in trasmission and this quite dramatic transition in her every facet, be it politics, economy, judiciary, titles and nomenclatures, religion, national anthem and all what not that comprise the excess luggage that comprise the kingdom that is presently being propped up by its archaic historical relics and decadent colonial pasts.

That the new king is 73 years and therefore past his testestorone and radically expressive age is not a point of discuss. That he too has had his shines in the pages of history, incuding a marriage that its shenanigans and the dramatic end to one of the central players held the news world spell bound for years. That his children have stepped into these story making pages, is another page in the story of this new king. How he will cope with the demands of a country that changes prime ministers as a whore changes undies is a wait and see game that is about to play out.

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