• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

I Think of Home


Jul 10, 2021

curled from Diaspora Heartdrops by Chris Dahi

As a king I stand

On the balcony of my palace

and survey the cacophony

that is my concrete kingdom.

I hear in the rear of my heart

The gentle serenade of the wind

Whistling through the palm leaves

I smell the tingly tingey aroma of sun burnt vegetation

And the potpourri in the air

that is the mixed scents of wild exotic flowers

arousing in me the sensation of a wild beast in heat

And I think of home

As my reminiscence is shattered by the shrill siren

of the Police and Ambulance

Those harbingers of pain and death

in my domain of smoke and debauchery,

My heart romances with the heady

rhythm of an early morning of my home

As I close my eyes I see the silver morning sun,

slowly slowly embracing the baobab and oil bean trees

on top of the distant hills

 like the maternal enfolding hug of a young mother

 around her first born on her naked breast.

And I think of home.

As the screeching tyres and blaring horns

that is the heart beat of my kingdom of steel and iron

bounces off the glitters and chrome of the wild jungle

over which I rule

In the solitude of my peaceful mind

My spirit soar like an eagle

Over the pacific paradise that is my home

I feel the rhythm and the peace of the thunderous water fall

The serenity and quiet of the slow flowing stream

I feel my pulse race at the screaming

quiet tension of a lion on the prowl

And another beast about to die

And I think dearly of my home

I hear as my blood tingles, the eternal rustle of leaves

as the cool sweet breeze of the hinterland blow gently through them

I hear the pounding of mortar in the homestead

The cry of a baby and the placating coo of a patient mother

As I wonder at my trepidation

and join in the unending monotonous routine

of the working urban citizen who is my subject

In my mind I stretch out on the peaceful welcome

of a spring side as I dream of my home

I see my bare chested kinsman coming back from the farm

with his hoe hanging from his shoulder and a song whistling from his pouted lips. I smell that wild mixture of sweat and dirt emanating from him as I listen to the beauty of the cricket chirps and the singing birds

Then suddenly an intrusion!

as an iron horse charges down the pacific rural path

And in my fear and confusion

I see my synthetic urban kingdom in a wild embrace with my undefiled peaceful home

and I wept

It is sad

Oh so sad.

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