• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

It pays to Dream


Apr 10, 2021

It is said that if your dreams don’t frighten you, then it is not big enough.

Jerome returned to the village after many years away from home. He was driving a very expensive car and had very expensive clothing and trappings of affluence about him.

The villagers stared. One of them then summoned up enough courage and walked up to him and asked Are you not Jerome who used to sit by the stream side dreaming all day

Yes, that was me and this is what l was dreaming of he says, waving his hand to indicate his new wealth, identity and changed life.

Do you dare to dream. If you do, what do you do to your dream.

Joseph dreamt. He was not intimidated by the ambiguity or even the magnitude of the dream, nor the discouragement of his siblings, nor the patronising tolerance of his father, nor challenges of slavery, servantry nor distractions of the attractions of sin, nor jail, nor the threat of death in the dungeon to dissuade him from his dream.

The Book says that  in times like this, that the younger ones will see vision and the older ones will dream …

Follow, pursue, guide, fulfill your dreams, for it is your personal property, it is not another’s. Itwill grant you that overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

May the All enabling God guide and guard us all as we strive toward fulfilling our dreams and our lives in Jesus name.

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