Having sat on a throne for one year, had the privilege of having attended one of the best colleges in the world, lived in two continents, interacted on intimate bases with extremely powerful and highly placed folks, very dangerous individuals whose mind sets are crooked and perverted, sat at table with Men and women whose spiritual attainment is at extra ordinary level and read and written myself many mind expanding works, now at sixty and above l can say that l have a right of hind sight.
Therefore, looking back at life there are some things l wish l had known earlier in life, that could have been the foundation in decisions and actions l took later.
I learnt that contrary to popular opinion, that forgiveness does not solve it all. Though a very strong spiritual cleansing virtue, it does not have the absolute ability to totally erase the indelible. Some hurts and pains are so deep that the victims can forgive but alas, they cannot forget. The pain still lives with them.
If l had learnt earlier in life to think before l speak, if l had learnt at an early age to check on those actions before taking them, l guess l could have spared myself and those close and dear to me so much pain, hurt and sorrows. If l had the hind sight of looking before leaping then, maybe some wild and spontaneous and quite unguided decisions l made would have died just at the stage of thought.
Only God has the power to forgive and forget. Hebrew 8:12, Micah 7:19, Isaiah 43:25 …. your sins l will remember no more …
But men do not forget.
Now, l can make sense of my father’s advice to cut loose any supposed friends of mine who are always saying that they are sorry. It means they make many mistakes and one say, they will make one that l am sorry won’t correct. By then, you may have a wound, hurt or experience that all the apologies and your sincere forgiveness cannot erase.
I have learnt to Think first, watch closely, before l act. But l am encouraged with the knowledge that it is never too late to learn.
May the All-knowing God teach us daily as we grow, in Christ Jesus mighty name.