Once upon a time, there was a very strong soldier. He was the champion of the king and the regarded as the most powerful soldier in the land. He conquered many domain single-handedly, In-fact he was made a general the army of his land. One day, he dressed up for war as usual, putting on his whole armor. His whole body was covered. After a had battle he was tired and decided to rest at the foot of a tree. A few minutes later he started feeling something crawling inside his armor.
Behold it was an “ANT”,. The very first thing he did was to throw away his sword, within minutes, he was totally undressed. Tossing the armor left right and center in his desperate bid to get to ant. Helmet, breast plate, sandals, shield, every thing removed from his body. Can you imagine, a naked general!
At this point, some thing sad happened. His enemies met him there at this defenseless and vulnerable state and killed him. Just because of an ordinary tiny little ant ant
Dear Christian soldier, beware of the ant. They may be very irrelevant and little. However, they could make naked a whole general in the army. Read 2 Tim 2:1-7
The ant here represent what most Christian denominations call Little or minor Sin or secret or silent Sin. Just a small lie, ordinary anger, small pride, just a little falsification of records, “I only peeked, I did not fornicate” Just ordinary malice, common sex, just small stealing etc All the “just” put together are the ants.
Dahi said that little pieces of trauma will eventually culminate to a cataclysm.
Dear Christian soldier, beware of the ant. It may be very small and irrelevant but quite deadly and dangerous.
How can one escape from an ant?
The hard way is the only way and the only way out is, Don’t stop walking, don’t take a rest yet, don’t get tired in the battlefield. The best place to rest is the secret place of the Most High God. When the going gets tough, the tough ones get going. Think about your life and amend it now or never again.