• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Move -Move – Move —!!!


Feb 2, 2021

You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue. Race horses never win races while they are in stalls. God rewards reachers. Your zeal will attract the right people in your life. Keep the pictures of your passion before you every hour of the day. Motion is the Seed For Emotion. Movement changes your environment instantly. Thos who are afraid to make a afraid to make anything.

Our ancients say that sympathy is for those that tried and failed but pity is for those that refuse to try.

When a man jumps, he has made amotion but really not a movement. A movement is a forward and progressive movement. That you are working does not mean that you are busy. That you are busy does not mean that you are productive. That you are productive does not mean that you are resulrt or profit orientated.

Look at the lives of the billionaires that are being potrayed in this newspaper, they are not born rich, It is their attitude to wealth that got them there.

Move move move.

Psalm 37:23
*”The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”*

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