• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Corona Virus Vaccination?


Jan 15, 2021

The world has gone through the first wave of the prevailing pandemic, of the Covit 19 plague, which is said to be caused by the Corona Virus. In search for a cure to this disease that has plagued the world and caused the death of thousands of people all over the world, threatened the stability of governments and overwhelmed the medical institutions and industries the world over, scientists and medical research institutions and organizations have been working tirelessly, for endless months. Then viola, the announcement came forth, a vaccine or rather vaccines have been discovered for this malady.

Unfortunately this discovery of the vaccine by diverse pharmaceutical firms have had their diverse running with the World Health Organization. The Scope News strives to walk shy of unproven issues, so we will not delve into the accusations levied against the WHO by some countries, medical groups and pharmacy firms concerning the vaccines that have emerged from different sources since the advent of this pandemic.

However, the medical world and indeed the entire world seem to have come to a crossroad. There seem to be a quandary or a dilemma concerning the vaccine, so much so that the ordinary man is confused on what to believe.

There are certain of the medical profession who insist that the vaccine is unproven and not adequately tested and therefore not fit to be prescribed for human administration.

Some in this cadre go as far as saying that the entire Corona Virus pandemic is a man made conspiracy for some very wealthy to create more wealth, and therefore they have presented a vaccine they have prepared a long time ago for this purpose and now want to offload on the world for profit. To this medical opinion pool those pushing these vaccines are merchants of death and the who shenanigan is for pecuniary ends.

The are also, those who believe that this is a population control ploy by some who feel that the world belongs to them, so they have arrogated to themselves the powers to decide who lives or dies. This is because as the assertion goes, if the population of the world continues to grow at the proportion it is going then at a point in time, the resources of the earth, like land, food, water and other natural resources will not be enough for mankind. They have decided that the way to achieve this is the termination or extermination or eradication of certain races, or certain types of people. So, it is said by their accusers that this vaccine is their brazen attempt to fulfill this extreme sadism.

There are the Christians who insist that there is more to the whole exercise than meets the eyes. Most of them relate this vaccine to the Scriptures and the concept of the mark of the beast as stated in the Book of Revelations. In Revelations it is said that the anti Christ followers will endeavor to put the mark of the beast on people, and insist that one can neither buy nor sell unless they have this mark. These believers insist that this vaccine if forced upon the world is therefore the coming of that prophesy.

These also are of the group who speak openly against what has come to be termed the one world order. This are a group of people whom it is propagated desire to bring all the governments of the world under one umbrella and pattern it to the rulership of the powers of darkness.

On the other flip of the page are the governments, and other medical institutions and organizations who insist that this vaccination is the way to go. It is one of the one sure means of controlling this ravaging virus that is taking its toil on the world. No nation is spared, no class is exempted and it does not have generation or gender discrimination.

These are the ones that have the power of authority and the Law behind them. They also are the heavy funders of these researches that bring about the result that bring hope and some sort of succor in this highly perilous and challenging time and in the face of this global threat.

So, the common man is trapped between and betwixt. Which way to go?

Some political leaders are coming to the television and taking these vaccinations. Still the doubts linger. These open exhibitions by some of these leaders, istead of helping is becoming counter productive, for the doubters insist that no one is there to see exactly what they are being injected with. There is a post that is trending in the social media of politician that is being vaccinated and a zoomed observation reveals that the supposed vaccination needle is actually covered.

Now the stance of The scope News is this. The Bible of the Christians state that nothing that has befallen us has not happened to men of the old. In the wee years of the last century, immediately after the first European war, their was an out break of a disease called the Spanish flu, in which millions of people died. The question therefore is was there a vaccine used then to bring a stop to that pandemic. If so, then why the hullabaloo about over this vaccine?

If on the other hand a vaccine was not used, then let us resort to the treatment used then to address our present situation.

Yes, some interested folks will point out that the strains of the malady of last century is not the same of the corona virus of our time. this is true> However, archival reports reveal to us that all the safety measures they used then including wearing of masks even to football matches, social distancing, washing of hands and others are also what we are being advised to adhere to now.

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