This is Chris Dahi shaking hands with one of the most powerful men on earth. Yes, I know that addressing Recep Tayyip Erdogan as one of the world’s most powerful men would raise heavy eyebrows in certain quarters all over the world. Really, that does not matter to me as I do not really owe explanations on my stand of my admirations for the works of this man. Erdogan is not powerful because he is the leader of a very powerful people, no. he is strong because he controls a powerful individual who needs to be controlled ; Himself.
I was privileged to attend a meeting of the party faithful of the AK party of Turkey. I will confess that I had attended that gathering with so much trepidation and uncertainties based on what I have read about Turkey and her president. That the atmosphere was charged in the packed hall with zealous members of the parties chanting his praises did not surprise me for that was what I had expected in such a forum.
Erdogan, they chorused in different stanzas, do not bent to pressure, for the people of Izmit, are behind you. Then from the other side, the women from Antalya will lift their voices pledging their unalloyed allegiance. Then the voices of Bursa will be joined with that of those from Denizli. This was followed by men, like my friend in the above picture. All passionately pledging their loyalty to their president. It was such a wonderful and most inspiring scene to behold.
Then the man entered. I had expected an eruption and an uncontrollable excitement. Yes, there was excitement and raised voices in praises, however, the sphere totally overwhelmed me. The presence of this man had an aura I can only describe with the word electric. This is like a lion that has entered into a meeting place where the leopards, the tigers, the puma and other powerful animals are present. There was absolute reverence. I observed that the people of this land do not fear this man contrary to western media propaganda, but that they simply love him. I realized that their respect for him is not created out of fear but of love. They pray for him just as they pray for Turkey. One could feel the presence of this man. An overwhelming feeling of one before greatness and knows it. That charge that comes from the peaceful secured feeling of the peace and security that comes from humility and not pride. One could feel his charm and charisma even from the aisle where I was watching from.
The passion with which he speaks, just glancing at a paper before him, is an overt powerful exhibition of pure oratory prowess.
I saw a man who in my words ‘has Turkey in his blood’
Under the circular light above his head and the Star emblem which is the insignia of the AK party in the background he had spoken to the people for close to forty five minutes, yet it looked like it was for ten minutes. Though I did not understand a word he spoke, not speaking the language of the land, I was not bored no discomfited. Though being the only Sub Saharan African in the hall of more than a thousand people, I did not feel out of place.
The meeting described above was supposed to hold on the Tuesday, but because there was a problem in the border and the Syrian soldiers killed five Turkish soldiers, the man postponed the highly anticipated meeting of his party, so that the nation can mourn with the families of the deceased soldiers.
Yes, I had gone to Turkey with not a lot of expectations, knowing that it is a full Moslem country and I am a Christian pastor and having read so much about the negative news that have been churned out concerning the land and her leaders, I had expected to see men in turbans and women covered all over in black apparels and only their eyes showing. I was however, bowled over by what I saw. I did not see any man in turban. Only a few women with their faces covered. My greatest surprise was that I saw the above Christmas tree in one of Ankara’s largest shopping center in February. You can see the tree, and the flag of Turkey in the background. Someone caustically stated that it is just there to impress the tourists. I said in reply that the point is that the tree is there. The reason notwithstanding. If they do not put it, no one will come and ask them why it is not there. Friends, to say the truth, I saw as much Europe in Turkey as I have seen in Belgium and many other European cities I have visited. No aspersions intended here on Belgium the land of my mission and my second country.
One of my readers in America on seeing the picture with me and the president asked What is a Christian pastor, who is an African prince discussing with a president who is an ardent Moslem? A pertinent question I must say. My first reaction was to tell him that it was none of his business. However, in respect to him as one of my ardent followers and for the benefit of my other readers I will reveal snippets of the less than two minutes meet and greet with this extremely charismatic and charming leader. When amongst other issues he was informed that I live in Belgium, he had smiled and stated Sir, but it is your judges in Belgium that encourage the terrorists. This I understand must have been a reference to the case of
Fehriye Erdal, one of the terrorist organization DHKP-C members who was tried in Belgium by a Belgium Brugge Court, for the murder of Businessman Ozdemir Sabanci. A crime committed in Turkey!
Erdal, who escaped while in house arrest, did not attend the hearing at the Brugge Court. At the court, the prosecutor said that Erdal should be tried in Belgium regarding the murder of Özdemir Sabancı, as well as Toyotasa General Manager Haluk Görgün and secretary Nilgün Hasefe.
Listening to the lawyers of both sides, the judge decided to try Erdal in absentia. Accordingly, Erdal will be tried for murder before the jury-free Brugge Assize Court. Erdal’s lawyers will only have the right to appeal against the aggravated prison sentence of the Brugge Assize Court.
If convicted, Erdal is expected to serve up to 20 years in prison.
An obvious miscarriage of justice, an issue that has rankled the length and breath of the Turkish socio political main frame the world over for years now.
I had replied to this in this manner ‘Mister President, in my study of you, I have found out that even those who do not like you still admire you. Yes, your enemies respect you’
The colossus had placed his hand on his chest and bowed his head slightly and said softly ‘Thank you’
To me, such gentle gestures that might be lost to a mediocre mind, speak volumes in the pages of the book of humility. Great men to not achieve status in life by being rough and crass, but by genteel acts of the heart.
Our people say that the wise one stands in front of his house to point at where the house of the supposed strong man used to be. Actual strength is in the mind not in the body.
If one takes a closer look at the photograph of the president in the crowd where I was, you will observe that most of the men in suit are looking away from the president and I; The point here being that they are security operatives, whose duty is to protect the man. However, their duty I observed is not to keep the people away from their president. This is a man on whom a coup de’tat was carried out on, not so long ago. Evidence of this coup and photographs of the damages are still there for the world to see, yet he walks fearlessly and freely amongst the crowd of his people. This I observed is a man who loves his people and his land and the gesture is reciprocated by his people a hundred fold.
One will wonder how I succeeded in meeting with this great man. Some folks still believe that the photos are photo shop. Well the truth is that the story is quite long, but one cannot remove the hands of providence, which of course is the Hand of God in the affairs of men such as I.
You can see that in the above photo of the president and I, there are two women. Coincidentally both bear the name Fatma. However, the one with the red jacket and striped brown scarf is Fatma Yardimsever Hakalmaz. She is the current cultural representative and image maker of the UID, Union of Independent Democrats in Belgium. A Turkish Federation in Belgium that has many other Turkish organizations under its wing. She is also the Social Organizer for the African Child NGO, of which I am the President. Her husband Mustafa Hakammaz, took the photographs. They are both from Karama, a state in Turkey. This was facilitated by Mister Basir Hamarat, the President of the UID in Belgium who has met me many times over in projects I have stepped out on the limb to do with the Turkish community in Belgium, as I try my best to contribute in injecting an international face to an association whose leadership has such a great heart, their intentions honorable, their meetings and gatherings so welcoming, their work ethic so strong and goals, global. Was always proud to be in their midst. I call Basir Hamarat, the Big Man, as he is a six footer, yet with the heart of gold. A gentle lovable giant.