• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

We are One


Dec 21, 2020

In stress of life
In toil and sweat
The truth is that we are one
In hue and tongue
In creed and call
I tell you we are One
In love and wrath
In strife and strive
Surely we are One
It’s cold or hot
Or high or low
For all times we are One
We kill and mame
And fight and strive
And scheme and plot
For this or that
I tell you the truth
That the one you kill is really one like you
He hurts like you
And mirths likes you
He loves and feels and speaks like you
The heat he feels is the same you do
The same winter chooses not one to chill
To put down or murd his soul
Or take that which is he’s
Doth not increase your span of life
Or make you a greater man

Yeah and low
It a fair tale I dare to share with you
It’s the myth of life as I see it
With eyes and heart that yearn
The yarn of life is like a chain that link us all as One
A strong chain it may look like but really it’s a web
That touch us all in diverse ways
And ‘fect our lives no doubt
The touch of folks we meet in life
Help to mold our own
Like the links in the web of life
Some chinks are weak and these are folks their touch on us are not so strong
While the felt and seasoned bit of it are those their touch are seen
The truth I know as the sage do say
Is that in this intricate web that we call life
We all are just as One
For as they touch us so we touch them
In that one web that link us all openly or closely
In the intricate walk of life

I work so hard to do nothing
I am everywhere and no where
And alone and lonely in the crowd
I eat so much yet so famished
And thirsty in a stream
The more I look the less I see
And learn more to know less
My ways though straight are rough and bent
My words are loud yet no one hears
And my screams are but silent songs
My faith is strong yet emptiness lurks within the dark recess I call my soul
The more I search the less I find
In the circuit of my life
Men scout the skies and read the stars
In search of others like us
Some know the depths for all its worth
Yet alas, with shame I dare to say that the les of us we know
The wars rage on and the death toll rise
In a world of so much quest
We kill and maim to prove our cause
For faith, might, passion or greed
While the touch of Love is gone
You can get more from folks to wit
To ‘peal to their greed that compassion
To ask a man for help in help
Is sure a wrong approach
Tis simplier to draw water from iron
Than to help when needed
A friend in need is a pain indeed
Is a saying true of mankind
As system fail and funds are scarce
Then men turn to God for help and Love and soccour
As plea for help yields pity not hope
Alas and woe, for this GOD of love men die and kill
The paradox in the dilemma
Is the certain lost soul of man
The emptiness and the void
The vacuum and the loss
The truth of life as I see it
Is that which we seek in the sky and depth
Is really within us
The wise they if men could sit and speak
One to one and kith to kin
The less of strife we’d have
You are not greater than the you kill
Cause you have the power
The Sun doth not shine on you alone
Nor a different moon for you
All men share the same lot you know
For one day all must quit the stage of life
Be thou great or be you small
The same web doth link us all
In the soul, spirit and yeah in the body
For as one man die, so do we all
For yes, the one you kill is really you
For the truth is that we all are one
So say I to one and all
Share love to all
For the truth I say to all to hear
Is that you can’t give love if it is not in you
For the one you cheer is really you
For love is sweetest when it is shared
And a good smile is like a ripple in a pond
It spreads and spreads and touches all within its path
And the love you give comes back to you
Its like a wave that touches us all
For really we all are One

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